Buehler Best Paper Award 2021 for the best publication of the year

The "Buehler Best Paper Award" recognizes the best papers from the journal "Praktische Metallographie / Practical Metallography" of the past year. In the evaluation of the 2021 contributions, the article of the Chair of Physical Metallurgy and Metallic Materials "An additively manufactured titanium alloy in the focus of metallography" under the leadership of Dr. Christian Fleißner-Rieger was chosen by the judging panel as the best publication. The selection was made by representatives of the editorial board of Practical Metallography, members of the Expert Committee for Metallography of the German Society for Materials Science (DGM) and Buehler staff. The prize was awarded on the occasion of the International Materialography Conference, which took place in Saarbrücken from September 21-23, 2022.

The award was accepted by Prof. Dr. Helmut Clemens (center). Left: Prof. Dr. Ronald Schnitzer; right: Prof. Dr. Frank Mücklich, the organizer of the International Materialography Conference in Saarbrücken.

The award was accepted by Prof. Dr. Helmut Clemens (center). Left: Prof. Dr. Ronald Schnitzer; right: Prof. Dr. Frank Mücklich, the organizer of the International Materialography Conference in Saarbrücken.
