Honor for Tanja Lube

Tanja Lube, assistant professor at the Chair of Structural- and Functional Ceramics, was awarded the "Fellowship" of the European Ceramic Society during the XVIII Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society. This biennial international event took place in Lyon (France) from July 2nd to 6th, 2023. The elevation to the grade of Fellow is a result of her exceptional contributions to the field of ceramic sciences. Her accomplishments include significant scholarly work in ceramic science and technology, remarkable achievements together with the ceramic industry, and outstanding service to the Society.

Mrs. Lube has been actively engaged in ceramic research and teaching since the establishment of the Institut für Struktur- und Funktionskeramik at Montanuniversität Leoben in 1991. Furthermore, she holds a position as a board member of the Austrian Ceramic Society (AuCerS).

We congratulate Tanja Lube sincerely on this achievement!


https://ecers.org/uploads/FELLOWS/2023/Tanja Lube.pdf


