New Avenues for the Functionalization and Characterization of Nanocarbons

As part of Montanuniversität's strategic research area (SCoReA+) "Hydrogen and Carbon", new cooperative infrastructure for the production and characterization of carbon materials has been acquired by the Chairs of Physics and Functional Materials and Material Systems with the support of the Rectorate over the past two years. The production includes new devices for the thermal, thermo-chemical and plasma-chemical modification of carbons or precursors suitable for this purpose. The characterization includes new structural and chemical analytics such as a Raman spectrometer, a high-pressure gas sorption analyzer and a gas pycnometer. The new infrastructure was presented to interested researchers at Montanuniversität during an opening ceremony on July 3, 2023. After words of welcome by Vice Rector Moser and an overview of the activities of "SCoReA+ Hydrogen and Carbon" by Robert Obenaus-Emler, the new devices and the new scientific possibilities associated with them were presented in compact form by Nikolaos Kostoglou. The subsequent scientific framework of the event was formed by keynote lectures by two internationally renowned researchers. Prof. Valeska Ting from the University of Bristol gave a lecture on "Hydrogen sorption in nanoporous carbon", a topic that is currently being researched very intensively at the Montanuniversität. Afterwards, Prof. Thomas Pichler from the University of Vienna made it clear in his lecture "Recent developments in the analysis of advanced carbon nanomaterials by inelastic scattering spectroscopy" that sometimes you have to measure exactly where you don't expect anything in order to gain really new insights. A final buffet with laboratory tours successfully rounded off the opening ceremony. The two Chair Heads Oskar Paris and Christian Mitterer as well as the co-organizers Nikolaos Kostoglou and Sebastian Stock are pleased to make the new devices for cooperative research available to other researchers from the Montanuniversität as part of the "SCoReA+ Hydrogen and Carbon".
